Stonewall Youth Soccer Association
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Constitution and Bylaws


 The Stonewall Youth Soccer Association


September 24th, 2012


Table of Contents  


I           Name                                                                                                  
II          Objectives                                                                                           

III.        Definition of Terms                                                                                                         

IV.              Principle Office                                                                                     

V.                 Membership                                                                                        

VI.              Releases                                                                                              

VII.            Membership Fees                                                                                

VIII.         Executive Officers                                                                                

IX.              Terms of Office                                                                                    

X.                 Elections                                                                                              

XI.              Duties of the Executive                                                                         

XII.            Duties of Directors                                                                               

XIII.         Committees                                                                                          

XIV.         Meetings                                                                                             

XV.           Quorum                                                                                               

XVI.         Voting and Decision Making                                                                

XVII.      Finance                                                                                               

XVIII.    Amendment of Constitution and Bylaws                                               

XIX.         Liability of Members                                                                            

XX.           Dissolution                                                                                           


 ArticleI.         Name:


The name of the organization shall be The Stonewall Youth Soccer Association.


Teams playing outside of the town of Stonewall Youth Soccer Association League will represent the Association under the name “Stonewall ___________________”.


Article II.        Objectives:


1.        To promote and foster the development of youth soccer players.

2.        To encourage, support and organize the development of qualified soccer coaches

3.        To promote development of qualified referees for the sport of soccer within the community.

4.        To contribute to the development of soccer players, coaches and referees in cooperation with other soccer clubs in the area.

5.      To promote good will and cooperation with other community organizations.


Article III.      Definition of Terms:


1.        Club refers to The Stonewall Youth Soccer Association.


2.        Executive refers to the elected officers of Stonewall Youth Soccer.


3.        Member refers to a player eighteen years of age, or guardian /parent of a player under eighteen years of age, that has paid the membership fee for the fiscal year.


4.        Fiscal Year means the period from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.


5.        Membership fee refers to a registration fee for participation in either indoor or outdoor soccer during the fiscal year.


6.         Membership period means the period from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.


7.      Stonewall shall mean the residents of Stonewall and surrounding area in Rural Municipalities of Rockwood, Rosser, Woodlands,


8.        Honorary member refers to a person on whom the membership and the executive at an Annual General Meeting have bestowed membership.


9.        Communities in the surrounding area of Stonewall are encouraged to develop their own soccer program. For insurance purposes and to have any teams in the Stonewall Youth Soccer program, these communities shall follow this constitution and bylaws. Once a player has registered with the Stonewall Youth Soccer Association, they are deemed to be members and must receive a release to play with another association or club thereafter.



Article IV.       Principle Office:


The principle office of the club shall be located in the town of Stonewall in the Province of Manitoba, Canada or a place designated by the executive.


Article V.        Membership:


1)       Membership in the club shall consist of players (parent /guardian), honorary members, coaches, referees and volunteers for Stonewall Youth Soccer who are eighteen years and older.


Article VI.       Releases:


Members seeking permission to play for a club other than Stonewall Youth Soccer must obtain a release from the Stonewall Youth Soccer Association for each season of play. The president of the Association or his/her duly appointed representative must approve the release either in writing or by e-mail.


                Criteria for granting a release to a member should be based on, but not limited to the following circumstances;


1.                    No team of equal level or stature exists as part of Stonewall Youth Soccer e.g. Winnipeg Soccer Premier Division).

2.                    Personal conditions or circumstances, which may hamper or make it impossible for a member to participate as part of the Stonewall Youth Soccer.


Note:   The member must present some form of letter of proof of the reasons for seeking the release (e.g. A letter from the coach or a representative of the team the member wishes to register with).

The Stonewall Youth Soccer Executive will treat the basis for the release as individual cases with regard for the good of the Stonewall Youth Soccer membership.


Article VII.     Membership Fee:

The registration fee that a players will pay in order to belong to the club and play soccer will be decided by the Executive prior to the commencement of the outdoor and indoor season.  A $25.00 Administration fee will be deducted from a players paid fee if a player quits prior to the first game. No refunds will be granted if the team has played one game. In addition, SYSA reserves the right to determine how much of the fee is non-refundable and will treat each case on an individual basis.


Article VIII.    Executive Officers & Directors


Executive Officers                                 Directors

President                                                               Referee Coordinator

Past President                                                        Equipment/Grounds Coordinator

Treasurer                                                               Club Convenor

Secretary                                                               Coach/ Player Development




Article IX.       Terms of Office:


1.        The executive members shall hold office for one year from the date of appointment or election or until their successor(s) are elected or appointed whichever is longer.

2.        Executive members are considered to have resigned if they miss three consecutive meetings without prior notification or if the are incapable of carrying out their duties.

3.        Executive members can be removed from office by special meeting of the members of the executive at which a resolution is passed by secret ballot of seventy five percent {75%} of the members present.


Article X.        Elections:


1.        Each Executive member shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting at which time all members of the Club are entitled to vote in the election.

2.        Nominations of absent members will be accepted if accompanied by a signed letter indicating a willingness to stand.


 Article XI.      Duties of the Executive:




1.        Be responsible for calling and shall act as chairperson at all meetings of the executive, General Meetings and at the Annual General Meeting.

2.        Be an ex officio member of all committees.

3.        Cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

4.        Present the membership with an annual report at the Annual General Meeting on the status of the organization.

5.        Be the official spokesperson for the organization.

6.        Represent the Club at meetings of The Manitoba Soccer Association or at meetings with other clubs as required.

7.        Be a signing officer.


Past President:


1.            For the term of 1 year from election, assist the Executive with all functions. Ensuring a smooth transition of club functionality.

2.        Aid the President and undertake tasks assigned by the Executive

3.        Be a signing officer.




1.        Keep accurate minutes of all meetings.

2.        Distribute the minutes prior to the next meeting at which the minutes must be accepted.

3.        Handle correspondence on behalf of the Executive and the membership in conducting the business of the Club.

4.        Issue notice of upcoming meetings and registration.

5.        Organize advertising for registration nights and distribution of notices to area schools and local notice boards

6.        Be a signing officer.








1.        Manage the funds of the Club in accordance with recognized accounting procedures and at the direction of the Executive.

2.        Record all receipts and expenditures.

3.        Pay all expenditures by official cheque unless otherwise directed by the Executive.

4.        Deposit all funds and securities in a financial institution as directed by the Executive.

5.        Present financial reports at all meetings, including an audited year end report at the Annual General Meeting.

6.        Be a signing officer.




1.        Conduct registration of players in cooperation with the Executive.

2.        Update the registration form for each registration year, ensuring accuracy and detail of information.

3.        Maintain team rosters.

4.        Ensure that all players are registered and insured with Manitoba Soccer Association.

5.        Ensure all teams are registered and fees are paid as required.


Article XII. Duties of the Directors


Coach/ Player Development


1.        Be responsible for ensuring there is a minimum of 1 coach for each team prior to the season starting.

2.        Ensure that all coaches of the Stonewall Youth Soccer teams possess the necessary coaching levels.

3.        Be responsible for arranging clinics and/or notifying coaches of upcoming coaching clinics.

4.        Will provide assistance to coaches in preparing for the season.

5.        Will act as a liaison between the coaches and the Executive.


Referee Coordinator


1.        Be responsible for setting a referee schedule to match with the league schedule with assistance from the Mini Soccer Coordinator and Equipment/Grounds Coordinator.

2.        Be responsible for ensuring all referees possess necessary qualifications.

3.        Will ensure there are an adequate number of qualified referees to officiate for the upcoming season.

4.        Be responsible for arranging clinics and/or notifying referees of upcoming referee clinics.

5.        Will provide assistance to referees in preparing for the season.

6.        Will act as a liaison between the referees and the Executive.


Equipment/Grounds Coordinator


1.        Assist the Mini Soccer Coordinator and Referee Coordinator in scheduling fields for league play.

2.        Prior to the season, ensure that the equipment and grounds are in good condition.

3.        Issue equipment to coaches as required in sufficient quantities and good condition.

4.        Ensure equipment is returned at the end of each season and ensure it is in good condition.

5.        Replace or have repaired any equipment that is not in good condition.

6.        Ensure the fields are properly lined for all league games.





Club Convenor: Stonewall Youth Soccer Association


Look to recruit a team that covers the following programs. And lead communication between SYSA Board, and our club membership and coaching team.


House League Soccer Convenors

          1.        Be responsible for organizing Stonewall Soccer mini league teams for ages 3&4, 5&6, 7&8 programs.

2.        Receive registrations from executive, recruit coaches for each team and with coaches, select equal teams.

3.        Assist the Equipment/Grounds Coordinator in distributing equipment and uniforms to teams.

4.        Inform coaches of player and coaching development programs.

5.        Keep record of team standings as outlined by executive.

6.        Act as liaison between coaches and executive.

7.        Assist the Equipment/Grounds Coordinator and Referee Coordinator in scheduling fields for league play according to the schedule set by the executive.

9 & up Convenor for Travel Teams Convenor (teams playing in WYSA league)


1.        Be responsible for organizing the Stonewall Youth Soccer teams for age’s 9 and up playing in the Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association league.

2.        Receive registrations from executive, recruit coaches for each team and with coaches, select equal teams.

3.        Assist the Equipment/Grounds Coordinator in distributing equipment and uniforms to teams.

4.        Inform coaches of player and coaching development programs.

5.        Notify teams that standings are posted on WYSA website.

6.        Act as liaison between coaches and executive.

7.        Assist the Equipment/Grounds Coordinator and Referee Coordinator in scheduling fields for league play according to the schedule set by the WYSA executive.

8.        Attend WYSA meetings as required, including initial meeting for schedule distribution.



Article XIII     Committees:

1.        Ad Hoc and standing committees may be established as required by the Executive.

2.        Committees of one or more persons may include Executive Members, Parents, community members and individuals with special expertise to help in developing recommendations for consideration of the Executive.

3.        The president of the executive will cause Ad Hoc committees to cease once the objectives of formation have been reasonably reached.

4.        The Ad Hoc committee chairperson must ensure that the committee follows orderly practices and keeps records of any meetings. These records will be forwarded to the secretary of the Executive.

5.        In cases where moneys are allocated to an Ad Hoc committee to meet its objectives, the chairperson of the Ad Hoc committee shall appoint a member to keep records and carry out duties of treasurer. These records will be forwarded to the treasurer of the executive.

6.        The Ad Hoc chairperson shall provide regular updates to the executive, including any recommendations of the committee.

7.        Standing committees can be chaired by members of the executive, and are subject to the same regulations as outlined for Ad Hoc committees.


Standing committees may be as follows:


Article XIV     Meetings


1)       Annual General Meetings (AGM) called for the purpose of electing members to the executive shall be held near the end of November of each Calendar Year.

2)       Annual General Meetings shall be open to all community members and interested members of soccer clubs from other communities.

3)       Notice of the AGM shall be published in local newspaper and posted in appropriate locations in the community no less than ten days before the meeting date.

4)       Regular Meetings of the Executive shall be held throughout the year as called by the President for conducting the regular business of the club.

5)      Notice for the calling of a meeting of the Executive shall be given five days prior to the meeting date or waive of notice.

6)       Ten members in good standing may call Special Meetings by presenting the Secretary with signed notice of intention to request a special meeting. The members shall provide the Secretary with a suggested agenda for the special meeting. The Secretary shall then set a date and place for the meeting giving 10 days notice to the Executive and General Membership.

7)       Agenda shall be as follows:


Call to Order

Approval of minutes of the last meeting

Business arising from the minutes

Old Business



New Business



This agenda format shall be followed for all meetings except the Annual General Meeting where the election of executive members takes place.


Article XV      Quorum


The members present constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Stonewall Youth Soccer Association.


Article XVI     Voting and Decision Making


1.        At Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings, any member in good standing is entitled to one vote providing they are present at the meeting. (Proxy voting not allowed)

2.        All Executive members shall be entitled to one vote at all meetings except the president who shall only cast a tie-breaking vote.

3.        Honorary members are not entitled to vote.

4.        Where possible decisions will be made using the consensus model of decision making. When consensus can not be reached, majority vote will be used to make decisions.

5.        Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all matters of procedure when not in conflict or not covered in the Constitution and Bylaws. In the event of a disagreement over procedure

6.        "Roberts Rules of Order" will prevail as the final authority.


Article XVII   Finance


1.        Financial signing authorities shall be vested in the President ,Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary with two of four signatures required

2.        After each election of officers, the President shall advise the banking authority of any change of status of signing authority.

3.        The Executive must properly authorize expenditures over $25.00.

4.        Any account being administered by Stonewall Youth Soccer shall be open to review and inspection by way of the treasury report given at regular meetings with a final year-end report presented at the Annual General Meeting.

5.        Audit of treasury reports can be arranged at the request of the Executive. An Audit Report shall be presented at the next Annual General Meeting.

6.        The Executive members shall not receive any compensation for their services except under special circumstances when out of pocket expenditures may be approved by the Executive.




Article XVIII Amendment of Constitution and Bylaws

 Any proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws must be forwarded to the Secretary one month prior to the AGM so that the amendments can be mailed to the Executive two weeks prior to the AGM. Amendments to the constitution can only be amended at the AGM and requires a 2/3-approval vote of the votes cast. All members in good standing of the Club may vote on constitutional amendments.


Article XIX     Liability of Members


No person who is now or who later becomes a member of the Club and/or hold any office in the club shall be personally liable for any indebtedness or liability and all creditors shall book any assets of the Club for payments.


Article XX      Dissolution


In the event of dissolution of The Stonewall Youth Soccer Association all funds and assets shall be donated to Community Schools for use to improve/develop soccer programs.


Created by: Daryl Lindsay -- Last updated:Sep 24, 2012